Read this Report First…
Before You Hire A Web Developer or Marketer
and blow a lot of cash – needlessly
A website can be one of the most effective ways to capture new clients, customers, or prospects. And so can blogs, tweets, YouTube video, and your Facebook and LinkedIn profiles.
However, many professionals and small business owners are spending thousands of dollars and are frustrated with the results they are getting from their Internet marketing efforts. Are you one of them?
Most professional and small business websites don’t get anywhere near being listed on the first page of Google, or even if they do, are not successful converting site visitors from “lookers” into potential clients. And, aren’t new client’s the reason you built your website (or blog) in the first place?
Many accountants, doctors, and lawyers are spending tons of cash getting listed on mega-directory websites. And, some are focusing their efforts on pay per click ads that someone said would help get them the “oomph” they needed to get listed on the first page of Google. Unfortunately, what most are getting is little to no return on investment.
Read this Report
Learn How to Use the Internet Effectively and Grow Your Business
In this special Doctor of Content report, I offer best practices that can help you capture more attention from search engines, attract more site visitors, and motivate your target audience to fill out your “Contact Us” form. After all is said and done, the only thing that really matters is how many lookers your web site (or landing page converting “lookers to bookers” is still the most effective way to generate more qualified leads… more prospective new clients… and more revenue.
Want to learn more?
Just fill out the form and download the special eBook Report:
The 5 Big Mistakes Doctors, Lawyers & Small Business Owners Make With Their Websites
(and how to fix it)