FAQs About Our Website Evaluation
Will I get everything that I need to fix my web site?
Many of the problems that Doctor Of Content identifies will come with detailed background information. The report will recommend the best solution for fixing them. You may need to contact a qualified web interface designer or web writer to complete the work recommended (we hope you select Doctor Of Content, but that’s your decision). Since we categorize each of the issues that we find by level of severity, this empowers you to fix just the issues that will give you the best return on your investment.
Why not just ask my friends and associates about what they think about my web site?
You should absolutely ask your friends and associates what they think about your web site. They can often identity how they subjectively feel about your site (“I’m confused”, “It easy to find everything”, “The images are warm and friendly”, “I love it” or “I hate it”). But unless your friends and associates are usability professionals or content professionals, they are probably not going to be able to identify exactly what problems exist, no less recommend how to fix them and give you a report detailing a plan of action.
How many pages is the report?
The length of pages varies. Websites with the most problems will get the most pages. And, if you are doing something great, we will compliment you as well.
Will I get everything that I need to fix my web site?
Many of the problems that Doctor Of Content identifies will come with background information. The report will recommend the best solution for fixing them. You may need to contact a qualified web interface designer or web writer to complete the work recommended. Since we categorize each of the issues that we find by level of severity, this empowers you to fix just the issues that will give you the best return on your investment. Our focus will not be on creating a “pretty” website (although well designed sites are a plus) — we will be focusing on sites that are usable and engage audiences with meaningful content.
Wouldn’t I be able to spot the issues you point out on my own?
Probably not. The reason — you’ve been looking at your web site for too long and have lost perspective (your objective viewpoint).
Why do I need a Website Evaluation Again?
I’ll be blunt – for most professionals and small businesses, your websites performance directly impacts your business revenue performance. Effective websites attract more potential clients and customers, motivate visitors to call or email you, and increase conversions – buy a product, use your service, or make a donation. Hiring a web content and interface design professional, such as Doctor of Content, provides an objective evaluation of your Internet Marketing strategy – and how you drive new prospective clients and customers to your door.
Will Doctor of Content ‘fix’ my web site?
That depends. Our goal is to give you an absolutely objective evaluation of your website Internet presence. Some issues may be content issues – rambling on without defining real benefits, a lack of scannable bullet points, or a wall of words that few visitors will never read. Those may only require new or modified content. Other issues may include poor navigation, interaction design, or behind the scenes programming. Those may require a qualified web interface designer/developer to modify. What we provide is a prioritized list to help you pinpoint the most pressing issue (from the perspective of your clients or customers) – the ones you should fix immediately. We will also provide background information to help you understand them, and in many cases the solution on how to fix them.
Why is Doctor Of Content doing this for free?
Excellent question. We believe that our job is to offer you an honest expert appraisal of your website and provide you with the information to make educated decisions. If you decide you use our services… great, if not, well that’s okay too. The law of Karma says “do good and it will return to you” — and we believe it.