5 Surprising Facts About Digital Marketing
Fact #1: Just about every professional, small business, and enterprise has a website. But more that 80%* are not getting the results they expected from digital marketing.
Fact #2 : Millions of people have accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter. Most people are not sure what to do with them, or if what they are doing is the right thing to produce results.
Fact #3: The nation spends over $240 billion on Google Ads. But with all that clicking, how many actually get clients?
Fact #4 Most people don’t read on the web — they scan for information and clues. You’ve got 5 seconds to capture their imagination. Here’s how.
Fact #5 Google can not see your fancy website website or logo or color scheme. The only thing it sees is your content and how relevant it is to your profession or business.